Ukrainian cuisine is delicious, satisfying, varied. It’s even hard to imagine that its basis is made up of simple peasant dishes: they are prepared quickly and simply, and the result is excellent. A warm climate and fertile land played a role here. Due to this, cereals grow well in Ukraine, therefore there are a lot of cereals and flour products in folk cuisine. Salo is the main national food in Ukraine. Pork fat is salted, boiled, smoked, smale is made from it, greaves are made, and grated with garlic. Modern nutritionists disagree about this product, but it is known that fat contains valuable fatty acids, and relatively few harmful saturated fats. According to the joke, fat causes sclerosis: ate a sandwich with fat - and for a long time forgot about hunger. Borsch - beetroot soup with meat broth. In Ukraine, red borsch is cooked in different ways: in some areas beans are necessarily put in a pan, in others - prunes, in the third - mushrooms, in the fourth borsch seasoned with flour, and in the fifth - smoked. Dumplings - slices of fresh dough boiled in water. They are eaten as an independent dish, seasoned with butter or sour cream, and sometimes added to the soup. Less often, dumplings are made with meat, cottage cheese or berry filling. Kulesh - millet porridge with lard and fried onions. Such porridge was cooked by Zaporozhye Cossacks, and now it is an integral part of Ukrainian cuisine. To make porridge more satisfying, potatoes, carrots, mushrooms are added to it, less often meat. Kutia is a special porridge made from whole grains of wheat with poppy seeds, raisins and nuts, which is prepared for Christmas. Buckwheat flour, like wheat and rye, was used to make lasagna - a variety of pasta. Lazanks are given a different shape, sometimes it's just layers of dough, cooked in water. Two more dishes, although not related to folk cuisine, have long become the national food of Ukraine. This is a Kiev cutlet - chicken fillet roll with a slice of butter inside, breadcrumbs and deep-fried, as well as “Kiev cake” - two layers of walnut meringue fastened with butter cream. Chicken Kiev is cooked in many restaurants, and it is easier to buy a cake in a supermarket or pastry shop.
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