So, have you found your true mate yet ??
id: 43271
PICKING A TRUE MATE .... for men it is rather hard if one only goes by beauty because every woman on this site is mesmerizing. So, how do you pick someone you never seen before? First of all, not every person is the same nor thinks the same. Remember men, we are from Mars and they are from Venus. They are superb at seduction because they were born to seduce their prey. Some men become great and best of friends after making love to a woman and yet, there are some that friends is of the utmost importance first and making love their second agenda. Stop and think of this for one second, would you make love to your best friend? I wouldn't because the friendship that is built beforehand is a different kind of friendship kind of like a high school friend which was born from puppy love and we all know too well that does not last. You have the second kind of friendship that is created by actual physical contact which is love in itself destined for a lifetime of happiness. Some will say I am wrong on this issue but just think for one minute, how many romances has lasted from being the best of friends throughout school and then marriage comes and three years down the road, it turns into a divorce. The average of high school sweetheart marriages that last are few and very far between. They were best of friends from the beginning and some probably never went as far as sex until they got married and whammmm! everything changed. There are guides than can pretty much predict what a person is really like from the day they were born. After all, Compatibility is the key to a long lasting relationship. Great sex is just the super glue that holds a relationship together. So, how does the Zodiac system work? Try planting vegetables or flowers in a declining moon cycle and see what happens and good luck with that one. Each and everyone of us were born under some kind of cosmic influence depending on the month. Read your Astral Chart and see who you really are and who would be the one best suited for you. I am a Leo (a Lion) born under the fire sign. If I should make a mistake of trying a relationship with a water sign, then there goes the fire in me since water drowns out fire. If I were to hook up with a Lioness a female Leo, we would end up hurting each other. Just remember, looks isn't everything. It is just a starting point like a guide that tickles your heart but, there is a soul that needs to be nurtured also.