The current situation in the world can be compared with being in an intermediate space with lethargy as a "small death" (remember the Sleeping Beauty). Living a period of uncertainty and fading.
All this can drag on indefinitely .... and it is this uncertainty that we perceive extremely hard. There are no guarantees ...
What helps me not to lose heart. Yes, I just discuss and analyze all my feelings, thoughts and feelings, it helps me to experience contact with my own "demons". I keep myself busy and don't panic.
The main thing is not to forget that the results of staying in the transition space include not only the inevitable fatigue and weakening of physical and mental resources, but also qualitative internal changes: reassessment of one’s life, its ways and goals, values and priorities. And someone takes out from this journey ideas and projects, the fruits of creativity, etc.
For those of us who have already experienced crisis periods, both social and personal, we know the feeling of a cardinal renewal, transformation, when we hardly remember that we were different, when much of what touched and excited us no longer causes feelings ... and at the same time new ways and means of life are discovered, and those unexpectedly coming forces that are needed for this.
I am sure that one way or another we will be able to pass this period of trials, albeit not so peppy and healthy, not so joyful and calm, but - we will pass.
Like a Phoenix bird, after combustion we will be reborn updated .... 🙏🏼
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