Before telling my opinion on various issues of relations between men and women, I sometimes leaf through the tape and read women's forums. I found a lot of witty and "valuable" tips.
Therefore, I decided to share some so that you understand how it is NOT NECESSARY to check the guy for feelings for you. So that later it would not be a shame, it hurts and does not have to urgently move somewhere to the tundra. And then we'll talk about a real test of his feelings.
How to test a guy for feelings So, I’ll tell you what you should NOT do:
Go to the fortune tellers. Despite the fact that the 21st century is in the yard, and you are a cute modern girl, do you still want to believe in magic? I do not argue, maybe fortunetellers exist. But there are much more charlatans in the world. And they always hang noodles on your ears. Although I admit fortune-telling at home with friends, a bottle of wine and other bachelorette party attributes. You can tell fortunes yourself at home for fun. It is especially interesting to do this during the Christmas holidays. But to believe the result is 100% never worth it.
Ask a guy directly. It is useless and stupid. Can you imagine how it looks from the outside? "Hi. Do you really love me, or pretend to drag me into bed? ” In the best case, the boy falls into a stupor and turns red. It is difficult to predict another reaction. And life threatening. After all, if all the men were telling the truth, only the truth and nothing but the truth, then the test for feelings would lose its relevance.
Arrange "interrogation" to his friends. Another stupid piece of advice I've come across on the internet. No man will surrender a close friend. Even if he is wrong. But she will definitely tell her friend how you got it with questions about him. You will have the stigma of Velcro. This behavior will clearly extinguish the guy’s interest in you.
What can be done? These will be the simplest and most unobtrusive observations, namely:
If he is caring, attentive, remembers everything that you once told him, then his feelings for you are more than friendly.
A guy in love remembers details related to you.
He will clearly show you signs of attention, not being afraid that others will notice it.
Well, and, of course, all friends are aware of his intentions and do not try to flirt with you.
How to check a guy for feelings for you Some especially cunning comrades show interest, care and imitate serious feelings just to get profit. Take a closer look, have you come across an Alphonse? After asking if you wore a hat today, he asks (as if by the way) to replenish the balance, pay for lunch in a cafe or lend, and does this happen all the time? Congratulations, you got a "parasite."
Read about how to understand what a guy or a man feels for you.
If you find it difficult to determine how a guy treats you, you can use the help of friends. Offer a double date and ask your girlfriend to watch your chosen one. Just make sure before this that your friend doesn’t like your friend. There is such a category of “girlfriends” who specifically slander innocent men. They are either jealous of their friend to the guy, because she ceases to devote more time to friendship. The worst option is when the "girlfriend" herself laid eyes on the man. And he specifically slanders him. So keep your eyes open.
How to test a guy for pen feelings
Most of the time we spend at work or study, so a lot in the relationship happens through SMS and chat on social networks.
In the candy-bouquet period, it is difficult to imagine a couple who would not communicate by phone in any free minute. And this, by the way, will be an indicator of his feelings. If a guy calls, writes, is interested in your affairs on a daily basis, then he is serious. The content of SMS is also important.
For example, if he writes:
You are a great fellow! I am proud of my soulmate!
The weather is terrible today. I hope you dressed warmly?
Parents call us for a picnic in the country.
All these words speak of his love.
If so, then you can reply with these messages.
If you have not met in real life and only communicate on the Internet, then checking a guy for feelings about you by correspondence will be a little more difficult. You do not yet know what he really is. And in correspondence, the interlocutor always tries to show himself in a favorable light. On the other hand, a guy can be modest and shy to express his sympathy directly.
How to check a guy for feelings about you by correspondence He is clearly unevenly breathing to you if his messages include:
Sorry you're not around. “How cool if you came to stay!” - lovers always want the girl to be here and now.
Reflections on his future wife. Usually he writes that he wants to have just such a girl as you. But, alas, it’s difficult to find a similar one.
Notes of jealousy. You're far away. He does not know exactly what you do in your free time. And the guy, of course, wants your thoughts to be only about him.
In the end, virtual communication should quickly grow into real. If you are at the same level her “friends online”, then, most likely, for him, correspondence is only entertainment. A loving guy (even if far, far) will always find a way to see his chosen one.
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