Why women will always be better at reading body language
id: 241060

If you are a man, while you were playing with trucks, she was watching people and playing with dolls. And what is a doll? Of course, it is a substitute for an actual baby. Notice it is all people centered. It appears to me that they have some sort of genetic mandate to be good at understanding people. In caveman days at a time where the human race did most of its evolving, it was very critical for her to be able to evaluate the motives of her mate so she would have someone around to protect her during pregnancy. Obviously, it is hard to run away from a predator when you have a fat belly.
We were all designed to leak our emotions through our body language. The way it worked was those who leaked their emotions through their body language had an easier time getting along with the group and as a result were more likely to reproduce. So eventually all human leaked their emotion through their body language.
If you examine the evolutionary pressure on humans you do not find one set of pressures, but two. One set for if you are a man, and one set for if you are a woman. This will lead to divergence of the intellectual makeup of a typical man and a typical woman. Certain traits become linked to the sex of the individual. I have already described how a woman’s need to survival during pregnancy forced her to try to determine the internal state of her mate, that is “does he love and care for me” and as a result she would utilize all sources of information. One of these sources of information would be the body language of her mate. This means all women will eventually develop a superior ability to read body language.
Now given women’s superior ability to read your body language what can you as a man do to defend yourself. To develop defense, it is necessary to realize when body language is used to determine your internal state, it is not your total internal state they are trying to determine. It is, specifically your emotional state. In another blog I describe techniques I referred to as “Emotional Control”. By using the techniques described in this blog it is possible to hold a false emotional state. And since they will not be able to determine if your emotional state is true or false you can win. But face it this is all a lot of work and the easiest solution is to just be an open book
