Ladies important information please read!
id: 28282

Dear Ladies,

As one of many men here please be patient and understanding with many of us! Covid19 is reeking havoc on many of our lives right now! I know you all are going through much of the same things but here in the USA it's worse.. Some 70+% of people are not working or working very little and bills still come due so right now money is very tight for many of us! This site is what we would term a luxury here so it will be at the bottom of the list of things we pay for right now! Just because we don't answer means we've found someone or don't care we just may not be able to answer you! I don't know how it works for you ladies if you pay like we do or not but this site can be very expensive for us! So we ask you to bear with those of us struggling right now we will be back as soon as we can!
Please don't stop writing etc for me as a first responder (fire captain and paramedic) working during this seeing the sick and dying being exposed to possibly catching it your letters and chats which I read everyone of are all that keeps me going! This site is the light at the end of the tunnel for me and reminds me why I do what I do and that I have something worth fighting for! Please ladies be kind be patient and most of all be safe and take care! This will hopefully all be over soon enough, but some places may take longer than others to reopen and get back to normal! Thank you to those who read this to the end!
Stay safe be happy be kind and love those you care about because you never know when it might be your last chance to tell someone how you feel!
Captain Bobby
