Because communication with them usually evokes vague feelings: it seems, and the person is not bad, doesn’t do any obvious nasty things, even tries to help. But somehow it turns out that this help is out of place, and you don’t know what to expect from it, such people can put you in an awkward position. In essence, a tactless person is one who does not feel boundaries and therefore is forced to constantly violate them, devouring someone else's energy or private life.
Why am I write about it? Recently I have met a lot of negativity, but not specifically in my direction .. It just comes to such that an unpleasant to see it..
And so what I want to say about this?
These are all boundaries of tactlessness - this is our mental filter. It is thanks to them that we are able to filter out what is unacceptable, uninteresting or dangerous for us, and to absorb what is useful and pleasant. If people have healthy borders, their communication is filled with pleasure, meaning and benefit they spend their energy on a mutually beneficial exchange of mental and other resources, creating something new and valuable for everyone. And the main tool of man is respect. A person who respects himself and others admits that everyone has their own tastes and preferences, mental characteristics and habits, ideas about what is considered acceptable or unacceptable. And he lives calmly with this knowledge, not trying to impose anything on anyone and not giving in to other people's attempts to influence his opinion.
So let's be kinder and think what to say or write to a person so that would not to be tactless and not brought up)
Love for everyone❤️
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