Rings are worn by many men and women of all ages and nationalities, but what is the significance of the ring on a particular finger, not everyone knows.
According to the Dictionary of the Russian language, "ring - is a subject which has a circular shapeand a hollow inside. This thing, metal ring, put on fingers as a decoration or a symbol of marriage. " However, according to psychologists,it has a great importance not a ring but a finger on which it is worn.
Language of rings
According to some sources, the so-called "language of the Rings"appeared in ancient times and lasted up to modern times. In ancient times the Romans wore simple iron ring with seals. In ancient Chinese in harem silver ring was worn by courtesans. After performing their duties a ring was put on her right hand. During the tradition of ancient Chinese gold ring wore women in the last months of their pregnancy.
Since ancient times it was believed that each finger has its own "energy." The index finger is a "center of willing" of a person, the middle finger tells about self-assessment of a person, the ring finger is directly related to the area of sensuality, and the little finger is responsible for the aesthetic appreciation of the world.
"Language of the Rings" in our time
Wearing ring on the little finger people often try to emphasize their certain creativity. These rings Marlene Dietrich prefered to wear. However, if the person has nothing to do with the world of music and art, the ring will tell you that the owner of it is quite capable to surprise you.
To wear a ring on the middle finger prefer personalities,who are confident in their irresistibility. And irresistibilityis directly proportional to the value of stone))
Decoration by a ring of index finger is also quite logical. This ring directly points at a lust for power and a desire to be the first. These rings are often worn by famous generals and rulers - Caesar, Ivan the Terrible. In this case, it is very important on which hand the ring is located. If on the right hand it only emphasizes strong will and pride, the ring on the left hand may indicate a tendency to hysteria and even delusions of grandeur!
People who wear rings on there thumbs try to emphasize their power and sexuality.
And the ring finger deserves high attention. The ancient Egyptians gave the title of this finger as "arteria of Love",which leads directly to the heart. In Rome, iron or bronze ring were given as a symbol of unbreakable bond of matrimony. Gold rings appeared only in III-IV centuries.
Which hand a wedding ring is worn?
It is noteworthy that in Russia and in Ukraine, wedding rings are worn on the right hand (on the ring finger), and on the west - on the left one. Why it is such a difference? It's simple - Orthodox Christians wear wedding rings on the right hand, because we make the sign of the Cross and do almost everything using right hand.
If a woman wear a ring after the divorce it does not mean that she still keeps in heart the feeling to that man, it is just a nice accessory on her finger. It is always so. as for ladies who have photo on the site with rings on the right hand ring finger, I think those photos are simply a little bit old and they probably have been taken when the woman was still engaged or married. ask her to show you some recent photos and you will notice if there any ring on her finger. Ring means a lot, but we all need to be careful with that because as they say, ring is magical and sometimes if you wear your ring in the wrong place it will work not for you. So, be aware of that please and listen to the old sayings about it...
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