Today I walked down the street and saw familiar faces in a crowd of people, I didn’t immediately understand who it was, but after a few seconds I realized that they were my classmates, a guy and a girl, they were walking towards me and at first I thought that I wouldn’t talk to them, I had strange awkward feelings, I didn’t know what to say and how to start a conversation, for some reason I didn’t really want to talk with old friends, but when I came closer to them, school memories came over me and I couldn’t pass by them, I specially hooked them with my shoulder - they turned to me and looked at me in bewilderment, I took off my glasses and said: "I'm sorry, do you not like something?" And I laughed))
They also started laughing, we hugged and went to a cafe to drink coffee and talk about life, about work, about relationships and how fast time flies ... It was very cool, I was happy to talk to people whom I had not seen for many years, we were in the cafe for 3 hours and it seemed like we were there only a few minutes) As it turned out, they were together for several years and they were getting married soon, I looked into their eyes and saw fire, true love, happiness, passion!) Looking at them, I was inspired, got a boost of energy and a good mood) I hope that soon and my loneliness will remain in the past)
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