When people look at me, they only see a beautiful Barbie doll. Appearance is all that you pay attention to? Why are you only interested in this? It remains a mystery to me. Appearance is deceiving, agree? I think it’s very stupid to judge a book by looking only at book cover. Is not it so? In order to find out if this is a bad book or a good one, we must devote a little time to it and look inside the world that is hidden in thousands of words ... Agree? Or do you do it differently?
I do not believe in love at first sight or in fate. I think that only we choose the person with whom we are ready to know happiness and adversity. Only we choose who we will give passionate kisses and hugs every night and tender care every day.
I like men who are not embarrassed to show love and passion for a girl. I want to fully know these feelings with a man who is able to be sincere with me. Mutual understanding and support in a relationship is important to me. What is important to you? people talk about some kind of ephemeral love that is prescribed to us by heaven. But for me, love is much more than that. Love for me is not a gift from gods or fate. I think Love is my choice.
Relationships are hard work. Harmonious relationships do not arise from the air. To pair you feel comfortable, you need to be able to talk, listen, support and help. This is not just butterflies in the stomach, but a whole science of how to feed these butterflies. Relations need to be developed and strengthened. Are you agree?
Let's not build a house of cards that will collapse from the first blow of the wind. Let's build a huge fortress with mutual understanding, sincerity and passion. Let's build that fortress that will exist even after our death !!! Let's build the fortress that we call love. And if you are ready to do it, then I will help you)
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