I caught myself thinking which was supposed to excite me until the moment of adulthood, but not like not now. "What will I become when I grow up?" As a rule, this is a question that adults ask us in kindergarten and school, expecting to get an answer about what profession we want to acquire in the future. But today, I looked at this question from a different angle. I have already acquired a higher education and a profession that I like. I don’t argue, maybe in the coming future I will change my occupation, but this is a matter of chance and long thought. If I want to change the type of work, I will come to this gradually from some specific reasons and conclusions. Now this is not about that. So what about? After all, it would seem that I am 23 years old and I have already grown up enough to stop calling myself a child and even a teenager. Again not about that? Yes, about something else. My idea is who will I be when I grow further, develop, change my train of thought, when I change areas of activity, meet new people, face new problems, learn something new for myself, when I will to travel or just read some information on the Internet. I will grow every day. Morally, spiritually, mentally, physically. So what will I become, for example, in 10 years? What kind of person will I be? Will I stay with the same deep moral views? Will I be as humane, sincere, open, kind, responsible? Or will I become a completely different person? This question excited me in earnest) I ask myself again, after a couple of years) Ask yourself a similar question for yourself :)
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