Probably everyone came across people who called themselves our friends. You spent time with them, gave all of yourself, you were always ready to help... But after some time, their hidden motives and true nature appear. They could ignore you when you needed help, they could to lie, could use you for your personal purposes in order to get their own benefit... How to recognize such people and how to be careful with communication with them?
These people are hard to define, but I have read that they can be divided into five specific categories.
It can help you to recognize such people and be more careful.
1 - A friend who is there only when he needs help. There are a lot of such people, they can be fun and interesting to talk to, but they will be around you only when they need something from you. Such person will never call you and make an appointment for no reason, if he/she does not see a benefit for himself/herself. When you need their help, they will never show up, you will be ignored or you will hear only empty promises.
The real friends will be always ready to help you and support you, they will always find the time for you.
2 – A friends that don’t express sympathy to you. One of the most important qualities of a true friend is that you can always count on support. Admit it, it’s difficult to be close to a person who does not show you a single drop of sympathy.
3 - Friends who do not accept you as you are. This is not even discussed. Do not communicate with people who are not happy with your success.
4 - Friends who do not respect you. Friendship is not only a fun pastime, but also mutual respect. If your friend thinks your problems are not serious, your job is easy, and your thoughts and actions are stupid, then he does not see you as an equal person. Do you want to communicate with someone who does not respect you?
5 - Friend who criticize you. It’s impossible to live this life without mistakes, and friends exist to tell you the truth, but, if this happens regularly, it will lead to nothing but low self-esteem. Such people will constantly prove to you that you have behaved improperly in any situation, that you are not properly dressed, that you do not look as it should, you are doing something wrong, and you are thinking wrong too. ===
So, if there are such people in your environment, reconsider your circle of acquaintances and friends.
Be attentive to your surroundings. And I wish all of you to have real, sincere friends.
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