insight to a old fashioned upbringing
id: 33225
many years ago a certain child was given life in the little country called england and throughout his life he grew up with both parents who were very much devoted and caring to each other,(on reflection i would like the same atmosphere with my future wife, i would like apart from teaching right and wrong is to give them the best lesson of all how to love someone you trust your life with and keep her, this is a valuable lesson any child could learn and then take that in life like it has me) even though the child grew up being a virtual terror to his parents and rebelled against the knowledge they was teaching him and having a difficult childhood with his peers .the child eventually grew up in a old fashioned world where women should be looked after like gold , even though today such teachings are unheard of ..but still there are few men who believe in marriage as a fairy tale and have a wonderful and devoted family with such a devoted wife ..
ok it may be like the 40s and 50s ideal that exists in my world and to be honest it doesnt bother me but in the age where offspring have done more to rebel and be a riot on the streets of england you wonder where has all the upbringing gone where has the lessons of right and wrong gone beggers belief to me a 42 year old man who hasnt got married yet but still holds on the ideals of old fashionedness is the right approach to life ..many of the women on the site have strong values that spark of the old school teachings the same teachings my parents taught me from birth (they still continue to advise me im very close).i do believe in a old fashioned society ..i believe in a old fashioned married life even the permission of the father for the daughters hand , i still think that is what should be right ...are we all still gentleman inside looking for a princess? and believing marriage is a fairytale ..or do i have it totally wrong ?

one thing is for sure my parents for what they installed in me ..well they are still married and happy for nearly 45 years thats including when they first met and they are now in thier 60s mother you wouldnt realise cause she still looks 30 bless them both i love them to bits ..but then again i was the only one who was a gift to them all that time ago ....

so to cyberspace i ask you all does a old fashioned life still exist in your life or am i such a civerous character on site who would carry bags for my lady , open doors for not just my lady but every lady or ask them to go first (yes i do really do that in life) or would help my lady to dinner by pulling her chair so she can sit on it and make sure she is ok ..yep everyone i am really like this again i send the question does it exist in your life? what was the most important lesson your parents gave to you for finding love ?