Relationships....what is it?
id: 10042930

For me relationships are when:
you call me when I am at the cafe with my friend, but I don't hear your call because of the noise there. And when I came home you make a little family scene but not because you don't trust me and suspect me in something, but because you worry about me and you want to know where I am and with who, and whether I am fine.
It is when I come from work and burst into tears because I am too tired and my boss is idiot and I want a vocation because everything around irritates me at the moment. And you will understand me and embrace me and call me your little girl. And I will feel like a little girl because with you I will feel protected. And you will hold me to your hear but I will keep crying, but not because everything is so bad, but because I like how you console me.
It is when you come to another end of the city yourself to take me from my friend because it is too late instead of telling me to call a taxi.
It is when you snore at night and I hit you in the back with my elbow and you turn around and out your hand on me muttering something and kissing my cheek while you are still sleeping.
It is when the weather is so bad and it is cold and you take my hand and put it into your pocket to warm it.
It is when I take off all the make up from my face before going to bed and you tell me how beautiful I am.
It is when I am angry and I may say that I don't love you and go away, but you will stop me and say: “I know that yo love me, stupid girl, you are not going anywhere” and kiss me passionately!
This is what I call real relationships. This is what is real life. I can continue but I am afraid you will get bored.(smile) anyway if my husband will make such little things, say pleasant words and do nice actions I will be the happiest woman in this world!
