So let's start with minor things. For instance, if you get fired from your job if you do not tell your spouse or better half, and you try to hide it, then you are cheating the relationship out of very important knowledge. In a relationship, you are supposed to be able to tell the other person anything, and I do mean anything no matter what it is from sexual fantasies to losing your job to things you've done. When you don't tell your other half everything, then the relationship suffers and that's cheating. If you're carrying some heavy burden worry or guilt, then you're not yourself. And if you're not yourself, the relationship will suffer. Open up and talk to your better half be as open and honest as you can say about anything and everything and your relationship will go a lot further. If you have worries financially or physically if you do not talk to your spouse, but you speak to others for advice again you're cheating the relationship it's not fair. Your spouse or better half has the right to know before anybody else does. If you have sexual fantasies that you have not told your spouse or better half, but you've told others, or you continue to say to others that are cheating. They have the right to know. If you are sex texting anybody that's cheating. You deny your spouse or better half viable information about yourself that they deserve to know.
Sextexting is just as bad in my opinion if not worse than physical cheating because when a person physically cheats 99% time, it is a moment of passion did they seriously regret later on. But sex texting… you got more than enough time to realize what you're doing is wrong, and you stop. Trading pictures with others hell no. Not cool at all. No matter how you look at it, it is cheating. Abuse-physical mental-emotional verbal and psychological abuse IS CHEATING! When a person is dishing out any abuse, they are cheating the relationship and the victim of the right, morally and ethically speaking, defending themself against the attack.
Examples of verbal psychological mental and emotional abuse are as follows… making continuous accusations, blaming the other person for everything that goes wrong— throwing the past up in their face — calling them names. Telling them, they are worthless or no good. Cutting them down or insulting them. Acting on someone else's advice or having to get verification from another person besides your spouse. Now when it comes to physical ago abuse when a man hits a woman, he might as well tie her hands behind her back because she stands no chance whatsoever against him. When a woman physically abuses a man; however, it is not okay for him to hit her back in retaliation; instead, he needs to move on if it continues. It is never okay for a man to hit a woman; it is not okay ever for a woman to hit a man either but let's keep in mind to wrongs don't make a right!
Men have an incredible amount of strength more than what women do. So if a woman starts hitting man, he can quickly subdue her without harming her. He can hold her steady and still. He does not have to hit her or push her or kick her or choke her out, or head butt hurt or slam her body onto the ground or any number of other ways of physical abuse to get her to leave him alone. He can overpower her. He has much more strength than her. Now when a man hits a woman, she needs to fight back yes absolutely because once again she has no power over him. She is not able to grab hold of him and subdue him in a non-abusive way. Women should always fight back if men get abusive with them; men don't need to fight back; they need to just firmly get a hold of them and make them be still.
There are no two ways around it! When physical abuse comes into a relationship, the relationship is being cheated the person being abused as being cheated, and the person dishing out the abuse is being treated. People need to look inside themselves if they are the abusers and think about how they would feel if it was happening to them. If you go drinking at the bar without telling your spouse that's cheating. If you spend money on lottery tickets without telling your spouse that's cheating. If you give money to your ex-girlfriend without telling your spouse that's cheating. If you talk on the phone with anyone that you have had or want to have a physical relationship with you are cheating. If you are lying to your spouse or better half about anything at all, you are cheating. And let's keep in mind lying by omission is the same as lying no if and or but about it, there are no two ways around it! Lying by omission is straight lying PERIOD! End of story!
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