Hello, to all my readers! Let us talk about money!))) This topic in our society involves many prejudices and stereotypes. Just like sex, this topic is still taboo. It is difficult for many women to talk about money in a relationship with a man. Because of this, unnecessary tension arises between partners, which subsequently leads to conflict.
Often a woman is scared to seem a selfish bitch, to frighten a man with her requests, so she prefers to be silent and endure, accumulating irritability and discontent, and then pours them on an unsuspecting man, finding a convenient excuse.
Or he is trying to tell about his needs with hints that, as you know, men do not understand. So, if you talk about how beautiful a fur coat a friend has, he will not read the request written between the lines. And the story that someone has already traveled to the Maldives for the second time will be regarded simply as information, and not as a proposal to take any measures in the direction of acquiring a ticket to at least Turkey. And do not be angry with a man for this, he is not a psychic to read thoughts and guess desires. Most men openly annoy all of these hints, both when you are hinting and when you are trying to make out a hidden context behind his words.
Those who were born in a not very rich or not very friendly family also have a subconscious fear of talking about money. In the relations of parents, such conversations often led to conflicts, and therefore the psyche will in every way protect the grown-up child from falling into a situation identical to that of the parental family. But the paradox is that avoiding this topic usually leads to disagreements due to finances.
Talking about money in a relationship is not only possible, but also necessary. In general, trusting relationships between people imply the ability to easily talk about anything. But it’s important to learn how to do it right. For starters, money should be a neutral topic for a woman herself. You need to talk about them so calmly, exactly the same as about choosing a dish for dinner or going to the movies. If at the thought of talking with a man on financial matters bodily reactions appear (heart palpitations, palms get colder, chills run through the skin, a spasm in the throat appears, or even tears come out), this indicates that the woman’s head is clogged with conflicting attitudes on the topic money. You can get rid of them either on your own, or with the help of a psychologist. But to begin to realize that they exist. Having cleared the brain of unnecessary ideas about what money is and how it affects life, and who together owes and does not owe something, you can find that talking about money in relationships has become easy, and this no longer seems to be a problem.
I hope my blog is in help for someone and you are also welcome to express your thoughts to me! Thanks for reading, Ekaterina
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