Hello, my dear friend!Today I would like to teach you how to talk to a girl if she is shy !I will try to be as brief as possible,but if you have any questions, you can always write to me!And I'll always tell you everything! If you have just met a girl – you need to get her interested as quickly as possible and find out as many facts about her as possible. That is, to move deeper, and not to slide on the surface. The dialogue about the weather and birds does not bring you any closer to making this woman your own. Of course, if that's what you want! However-when you talk to a girl – you have a certain goal (at least, it should be). And if you talk to her about nothing, you will not get any closer to your goal.
If you are not familiar with the girl-you need to get to know her as soon as possible. And here talking about nothing helps in any way.
Also, when communicating with a girl, you need to interest her, make sure that the girl is waiting for your next meeting and perceive you as an interesting interlocutor. And here, superficial chatter is more likely to hurt than help.
There are several ways to understand that you are talking about nothing with all the implications:
The girl you are talking to gives only simple and monosyllabic answers.
The girl doesn't ask any questions.
The girl herself does not show initiative. The conversation is only about the topics that you bring up.
You don't manage to bring the conversation to any significant topics, the whole conversation is conducted around General topics "about the weather".
The girl does not talk about herself and very sparingly expresses her opinion, preferring to listen to you.
You need to avoid talking about anything. Moreover, every conversation about nothing greatly reduces the probability of success with this particular girl.
The only exception is when a girl likes you very much. Or you are of great interest to her as a source of resources. In these cases, the girl will forgive you everything. But, in these cases, she is willing to take the initiative in the conversation.
As soon as you find yourself in a situation of talking about nothing – immediately try to get out of it. And the best step for this is to show a sincere interest in the girl herself. As soon as you learn how to do this, you will find that girls love to chat about themselves. And, quite possibly, these conversations can end in a very interesting place.
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