Do not miss the chance to become happy with someone who is able to give you a fairy tale
id: 10042295

Life has everything for happiness and love, if you strongly and sincerely believe in it! We dream, build illusions, create images and draw in our minds our pictures, those that most often diverge from pictures of life, and this is our disappointment. But this is just so that we could prove to ourselves that we are worth something in this life. And after all, life sometimes gives us so many chances, but we do not use them, and then we blame the whole wide world for the fact that we did not have time, did not do it, were late.

Do not miss the chance to become happy with someone who is able to give you a fairy tale, gradually embodied in reality, with someone who is able to saturate your every day with a miracle, joy and faith, can there be something more important in this life?

If there is a person who is able to open more and more horizons in you, to make you happier, better and kinder, isn't it a miracle?

Just think about it...
