July 27, 1980
id: 157611

40-years ago my parents were married. This is a tribute to them and to ask the question: where do you want to be in 40-years. These two people have been amazing. My mom and dad raise three children, taught them how to play violin and piano, they provided vacations to cousins in Montana and Texas and occasional trip to Disneyland and to the California beaches. However, life with them Was not always fun. There were difficult time when food was scarce and was no money to heat the house, but these two work through the hard times to become closer and there love stronger after every challenge. Now most of their challenges may be behind them they still have a lot of live to live adventures ahead of them! Thank you mom and dad for seasoning my life with saultandpepper and for making this family above average.

Although I have not yet been blessed as these two have been, they are the model of the relationship that I aspire to have.

I hope you two have another 30-years together. Congratulations!
