A positive morning should be prepared from the evening, leaving the worries of the past day. There is a great way to do this: summing up. Remember the entire past day: what has already happened, and what still needs to be completed. It is better to write it down on paper, freeing your thoughts, so it will be easier to fall asleep. Before going to bed, take a relaxing bath or shower, washing away all the problems of the past day with foam.
To Wake up happy from the first minute, give up ringing the alarm clock. It is better to set up your favorite melody on the gadget, which causes you positive emotions and a smile. Perhaps it will be a favorite song associated with a good event, or a soundtrack from a favorite movie – here is one of the tips on how to Wake up in a good mood.
When you Wake up, do not rush to jump out of bed immediately. Lie down for just 1-2 minutes, enjoying the peace, feeling inspired and smiling. At first, you may think that the smile is far-fetched and artificial, but it works. Gradually, you will learn to smile, charging yourself with a good mood.
How to Wake up in a good mood
A delicious and beautifully served Breakfast is a must. Give preference to healthy foods, but also allow yourself to eat a small piece of what you usually refuse, worrying about your figure, because the morning time allows you to do this. Do not turn on the TV or radio, so that you do not get hit with negative news, listen to your favorite music selection, drawing inspiration for each day in the morning.
How to Wake up in a good mood every day
Direct your thoughts in a positive direction: I have slept well, I will have time to do everything, I will succeed. Do not think about the bad, because others do not like those who are eternally dissatisfied. Stop for a moment and dream about how you would like to see the day come: imagine it in detail and let it go into the Universe. So imagining every morning, you will not notice what changes will come to your life, and what you dreamed of will come true.
Do small, but good things: hold the door, give way to an old woman, tell your colleagues about an interesting book you recently read, and more. Share good things with others – here is a tip on how to Wake up in a good mood every day and get positive emotions throughout the day.You've learned how to Wake up in a good mood and keep it going all day. Know that positive emotions depend only on you and how you feel about events and the world around you. Create your own great mood. Good morning and a wonderful day!
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