Succumbing to the terror of public opinion! Why I am not afraid of ageing!
id: 10042482

Succumbing to the terror of public opinion, women run to have facelifts, adjust their bodies to the imposed standards, paint eyebrows, lips that change (often not for the better) facial expression, put on clothes that should "make them younger." They are waging a desperate war (which is doomed to defeat in advance) for youth.
Look at your youthful photos. What changed? First of all, the look has changed, reflecting the inner world of that period of life, which was replaced by another wonderful time - MATURITY, and maturity has a lot of advantages over youth. “I'm 45, but I'm 25 at heart,” women often say. And why is 25 better than 50? Why do you need to devalue your age, and thus your life path? You can "tighten" your face to the state of 25, but the look ... that look will never come back. And now a new look, which corresponds to the face of today. And this is harmony.

Personally, it makes me slightly sad when I see women of the post-Soviet space, who can be recognized in any country in the world by all these manicures, tattooed eyebrows and lips, full-cycle makeup in any circumstances, clothes, the purpose of which can be described as “desperately youthful”. Isn't it more natural to just worthily carry into the world your maturity, your wisdom? Not to prove your "relevance", "peculiarity", "fashion and youth". “A woman should be professionally successful, financially independent, well-groomed (that is, spend a lot on“ rejuvenating procedures) ”- these are the postulates of a society that is cruel to women. Oh, leave it!) A woman is an energy that maintains the balance of this planet, she must first of all be happy and give happiness to others, this is her value and purpose, and she owes nothing to anyone else.

Beauty is, first of all, health, physical and psychological, and the competitive struggle, the desire to be "number one" is more likely from the male, not the female world, the female world is unlikely to benefit from this (by the way, there is a lot of terror in the male world - car brand, amount of money, and so on). What do we have as a result of this senseless and merciless race for standards? Many successful, wealthy, well-groomed women. Among them there are many, many single women who are not taken care of by men, do not take responsibility for them, do not love ...

In the race for compliance with "standards", a woman does not accumulate, but rather squanders the most precious resource of femininity - any love and respect for oneself, with or without manicure, thinner or better, young or not very, fashionable or not fashionable, successful or independent from public recognition.

The dignity with which you can accept your age and any period of life is the quality that delights me in the women I meet on the way who do not participate in the competitive and exhausting race for youth, fashion and "relevance." In women who can put on a completely ridiculous dress, because it suits the mood, to create (or not to construct) hairstyle and make-up "à la me" ("not fashionable? How is it? It suits me"). Who can easily, forgetting about manicure, plant flowers, sculpt clay pots; instead of another training session of some kind of success invented by psychologists, they are able to hear themselves, their true desires. They accumulate their feminine energies, radiate peace and confidence, not trying to arrange for themselves an external drive that fills the inner emptiness. These women know how to dream beautifully and make dreams come true. It is good and cozy with them. By shifting the emphasis from the outer surroundings, their own and others, to the inner world, they have more potential to GIVE love to others. Such women are not lonely and unhappy, they do not need to draw attention to themselves, because they have an inner, not loud, like happiness, attraction. So what is more important - to be successful, fashionable, active and “advanced” or to relax and be HAPPY?)
