Yes, you just do not search: life hacks for a comfortable life
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I love scented candles and all this candle aesthetics, but I'm not going to buy a special lighter for them. When the candle is new, there are no problems with igniting, but when the wick has already burned down more than to the middle, then the burned fingers and three-story Mat begin. Not really, in General, romantic atmosphere. Solves the problem of ordinary spaghetti, which works like a long match: take it (not boiled), set fire to the tip and "turn on" all the hard-to-reach candles at home. I can't get enough of it.

Always, always put a special mesh in the shower drain. Each person has an average of 100 hairs per day, which is the norm. And half of that hundred goes down the drain. To avoid digging up to your elbows in the " mole” with a wire and a plunger, be sure to spend these 40-100 rubles. Nets for draining now make a variety of shapes, even flat silicone. Clean them once a week, and you will no longer have to fish out scraps of Chewbacca's fur from the drain.

If you are a responsible person, you probably hand over used batteries to special reception points. It is clear that you will not carry a single battery, even in Moscow from some areas to the nearest reception point to get three days on deer. So, have a special beautiful box that you are going to make every time, perhaps even with two compartments (the second — under the light bulbs). Let it stand in a prominent place, and every time you will be going to a place where all this stuff can be handed over (in the " IKEA”, for example), you will not be in the middle of the road slapping your forehead and thinking “well, next time I will definitely not forget!”.

About cosmetics: even the most mediocre and useless body cream can be improved if you mix it with coconut oil. It turns out the Golden mean: this mixture is absorbed at the speed of cream, and nourishes like oil. Perfect.

Set up a special place for samples, if you, like me, always forget about them. I put them in a separate huge cosmetic bag ,and when it's time for a vacation, a weekend at the dacha or an overnight stay with a friend, the first thing I do is climb into it. Most often, there is already a full set of all the necessary "Hiking" tools, even perfumes for any occasion and taste.

At home, you must have duct tape and superglue, even if you are a Jack of all trades. When on the move you need to stick a broken hook on the Cabinet or fasten the handle to the door until the master comes, these things really save.

And in the freezer should always be ice, and not only for mixing "Margarita", but also for household purposes. If you have a headache, wrap a couple of cubes in a kitchen towel and apply — the pain will recede a little. If the carpet or, God forgive me, the hair is stuck to bablgam, put ice on the problem area until the gum freezes — so you can save both the pile and the hair. If you Wake up with the face of a Chinese beekeeper, wipe your face with an ice cube. And, after all, a bruise or bump is more pleasant to apply clean ice, rather than a pig's leg or a bag of prawns.

An old toothbrush is great for washing the white sole on all sorts of loafers and sneakers, especially if it is perforated. Dip the brush in soap or, as Yana advised in the telegram, in micellar water and go ahead. And a toothbrush cleans jewelry well.

Before you decide to order something online, clear your history and cookies. In most online stores, this scheme works: when a person visits the site for the first time, they see the minimum price, and the next time they visit it, it increases slightly, motivating them to make a purchase as quickly as possible. This especially works with furniture or home goods stores.

Food in the refrigerator is best stored in containers with tightly closed lids. But if you still left something smelly there without a lid, then put 1-2 dry tea bags in the refrigerator. So the freshness in the refrigerator will also be cost-effective: a special filter, which is enough for a month, costs 60 rubles per piece, as well as a box of cheap tea, which is enough for a year.

If you are wildly sleepy and your head is already falling on your chest, coffee does not help and the chance to clear your head is not expected, then tickle the palate with your tongue. It will cheer you up and Wake you up much more effectively than redbull and other tricks. Or chew mint gum.

Again about responsibility: in order not to produce plastic bags at home, buy a few textile bags. You don't have to go to lash for them, there are cheaper ones, and many supermarkets already offer to buy them at the checkout. Let one lie at work, a couple at home and in the car, and ideally still in the bag. When you go to the store, at least one will be at hand, and there will be no plastic cemetery at home.

To make your hair dry beautifully, and not icicles, unwrap the usual turban from a towel and lower your head down. Take the towel with both hands by the edges and spin the middle like a skipping rope, so that it seems to beat off the hair. Do not twist the towel into a tourniquet, just knock off the excess water from the hair. Then fold them back and wait for them to dry, or dry them with a hair dryer. Thanks to this method, they do not stick together in large strands and after drying, there are no creases and unnecessary waves. The option of combing wet hair, as you know, we do not consider, this is the worst thing you can do for your hair.
