A long list of requirements for oneself and a mismatch of expectations with reality as a reason for the loss of value. I have been practicing yoga for seven and a half years, but I still cannot do the splits. From the outside, it resembles an isosceles triangle. If the twine is American Dream for me, then the handstand is a conscious reality. I can focus as much as I want on a failed split, reproach for failure, but it's better to focus on what I can. There the twine will be pulled up. And before cursing that the dream has not been realized, it is better to ask yourself: have I made an effort to make my desire come true?
Another situation is the realization of imperfection.
In Ukrainian fashion, people “hide flaws,” while in European fashion they are enveloped in an aura of charm. At the same time, fashion publications and glamorous magazines never stop talking about the ideals of beauty.
If your neighbor speaks or low self-esteem whispers in the mirror that you have a huge nose, then after such words it won't grow anymore, you know? This will seem normal to other people. They don't care about your nose. It's like in a joke about a doctor: do you have a stuffy nose? I have an apartment and a car pawned, and here you climb up to me with snot!
Everyone has a reason to be proud of themselves. Better to focus on the virtues. In the system of human relationships, everyone is valuable. Information, knowledge, abilities, skills, talents will find application. Stay connected and don't go into yourself.
What methods do people use to increase their own importance?
Relationships help raise self-esteem and self-worth. The latter is measured not by the number of partners in life and sex, but by inner harmony. Therefore, it is advisable to stay at home and improve self-esteem, or go to study. The acquisition of knowledge and skills increases their own value. It is exciting to constantly renew the mind and receive fresh knowledge.
The round amount in the bank increases the value in your own eyes. I recently experienced the following revelation: money does not determine its own usefulness and value! I am not opposed to saving and saving "for a dream", but what is the use of finances if they "lie under the mattress" and gather dust? If you are not in the care of your parents, then you have the right to independently dispose of the expenditure of finance.
Living in harmony with a loved one, with yourself, turned out to be a useful idea. Achieving "Zen" was tiring, energy-consuming, difficult, but the result lives up to expectations.
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