What women love about men: 5 main qualities
What masculine qualities can women not resist? Maybe it's their strength and confidence, or, on the contrary, softness and sensitivity? EDarling experts know five answers to the question: "What makes a man attractive to a woman?"
Women love respect
The fair sex prefer respect from men. If a man treats a woman with respect, then she will always appreciate it - whether it is a prim lady in a supermarket, a laughing neighbor or an adored companion in life. An overly patronizing, condescending attitude of condescension is often negatively perceived by women. The smarter and more interesting a lady is, the higher the value of respectful attitude for her. Do you want to meet just such an ideal woman? Then behave (and think) accordingly.
Women love humor
Not the most witty joke, like "the bun hanged himself," is unlikely to make the lady's heart beat faster. But women really prefer men who can treat many situations with humor, do not take life's troubles to heart and know how to laugh well, including at themselves. Psychologist Sam Owen explains it this way: a good sense of humor shows that a person is smart. This means (somewhere in the depths of consciousness) women understand that with your help they can pass on excellent genes to children.
"Women especially appreciate the moments when a man's attention is completely given to them."
Women love attention
If a woman has to repeat her question several times before her chosen one answers it, or if a man considers signs of attention an excess, such a relationship is doomed. Women love and especially appreciate the moments when a man's attention is completely devoted to them. It is equally important when you do nice things without being reminded. A bouquet of flowers for an important date, which I had to remind about ten times, does not bring real pleasure.
Do not skimp on modest signs of attention - an unexpected armful of flowers will say a lot about your attitude towards your beloved. Let the woman feel that she is loved and desired, and it gives you real pleasure to make her happy.
Women love grateful listeners
The main mistake of men is to try to start a conversation on topics that seem feminine to them: clothing, cosmetics, shops, gossip. Firstly, it is unlikely that you will make an interesting interlocutor (for this, women have girlfriends). In addition, women feel well the lack of interest in the interlocutor: it is important for them to see the man's eyes and feel that they are talking "not into emptiness."
Output? Do not think in stereotypes. Leave topics in which you do not understand anything, but also do not start a conversation about something that obviously will not cause a response from the lady. Start with shared stories: talk about movies, music, favorite foods, exhibitions, and books. Topics like these will help you both find an interesting conversation, and communication will bring pleasure to both of you.
Women love men
Well, in the end, we admit that women just love men. As they are: sensitive and understanding, generous and successful, courageous and strong, attentive and grateful, brutal and romantic, and most importantly, loving.
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