Let's try to figure it out. What is the person really tired of? What is he running from? What does he want to hide from?
"Peace" for different people means different concepts. For some it is an opportunity to relax and spend time with pleasure, for others it is a desire and need so that no one bothers and there is no hassle, for others it is a certain brand, if everything is calm with you, then life is good. There is another category of people for whom peace is a goal and an inner censor, if you cannot keep “inner peace,” then it means that you are not spiritually advanced enough.
Wide range. But all these definitions lead, one way or another, to a state of non-response, both to external and internal stimuli. For some it is the desire to reduce the number of irritants, for others it is the ability not to react.
This is similar to "artificial pain relief". As if a person instills in himself "I don't hurt, I don't hurt, I don't hurt." But pain, like an irritant, tries to alert the body of some kind of failure. The body screams that something needs to be done.
A person striving for peace in one way or another tries not to notice it. Either suppress, or not see, or avoid. And this is his right. Who willingly wants suffering?
But why did a person forget that stimuli are also useful? How else to show him the correctness or incorrectness of his actions? How to give him a chance to grow and develop his own personality? How to communicate where life wants to direct him?
It can be said in another way that all possible, so-called stimuli that deprive a person of the desired peace, are a necessary tool for feedback with his life. Or maybe not only him, but also other people, the whole world.
But a person continues to hide under a warm and cozy blanket of peace, not realizing that the more he hides, the stronger the irritants will become.
Maybe it's still worth growing up, taking responsibility, looking around and starting a real dialogue with life. What should I change in my life, where should I turn, how to learn to build relationships. Take it and start reacting, not with hysteria and fear, but with a wise mature reaction. And there, you see, peace will overtake itself imperceptibly.
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