How often do we feel that we are doing everything right?
id: 10043403

How often do we feel that we are doing everything right? And who said in general how it is - right. Yes, we are moving somewhere, making some decisions. And what if suddenly we are mistaken in their loyalty. Suddenly we are behaving not on the road that is destined for us. Do we create our own way, or is there a destiny that does it for us. Maybe they should do exactly as predetermined. And no matter what we do, no matter how much we want to prevent it, we will not succeed. Have you ever had this feeling?

Probably at some stage of life, everyone has a choice. Yes, we can say we do it every day, but I'm now specifically about the one in which you need to decide whether to deceive yourself further, or to change something. You can endlessly think, live with the opinion that everything is a foregone conclusion and you shouldn't even interfere with it, let it be as it will. But if we do not act, will this also be considered part of our path? It seems to me that we have a lot of life paths. Sometimes we come to a fork in the road where we need to make a decision, make a choice to move on. But here the pertinent question already arises, how to choose and how not to be mistaken. Again, though, any mistake is part of the way. What then happens, no matter what we do - it is not our choice and everything is decided for us? Who should we meet - who should we disperse with, what to do - what not to do? Of course, everyone has their own opinion on this matter. But these are all just a fraction of what can actually be said about our fate.

I myself am often confused whether I choose how to live, or everything is predetermined by fate. Perhaps, periodically, I would ascribe myself to the fatalists. Nevertheless, I am inclined to believe, at least, that everything in our life does not happen by chance, there are certain chains of events, of which there is an unknown multitude, and in each of them our life develops differently. Therefore, I will add - in spite of the existence of these life paths, it still depends on our actions, which of them we will fall on and it is in our power to change something in our life, in ourselves. We ourselves decide who we are to be now and what we can become, if something goes wrong, then it is necessary, it is only with time we will understand why, if only it was not too late. Although then it may no longer be fate at all, who knows ...
