We need to appreciate the moments, appreciate all the friends and loved ones who surround us here and now. Many cannot be changed, they do not know how to appreciate from birth and going through life, meeting more and more new friends, such people very quickly say goodbye to them and such an unpleasant arises an incident when you value and appreciate a person, but he is not you and when he freely said goodbye to you, you do not understand what is happening, but in fact you were not appreciated, for any of your human qualities, you can go missing so much, about you and will not remember. All this is sad, but the way it is and there is nothing to be done about it, you need not to waste time on people who do not appreciate you, this is stupid, for such people you mean nothing, they will remember you only when this a person will want to see you or simply use you for their own purposes, and then forget again. One thing I do not know for sure and I want to know whether such people value anything at all, for example, their parents or their life, it is impossible not to value anything at all, or I may not understand. I think such people are either stupid you, or they had nothing in their life that could really be appreciated, they probably did not really love, because when you love, you appreciate your loved one and all the time spent with him.
In general, what I want to say is, appreciate everything that you have, appreciate, appreciate and appreciate again, then they will appreciate you and learn to let go of people who do not appreciate you, because they just do not need you.
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