It dawned on me that the whole point is in the coincidence of interests.
If the husband's interests coincide with the interests of the family, then the family is happy. If the husband has his own interests, such as getting drunk and forgetting or going fishing, the well-being of the family is in question.
If the interests of the mother coincide with the interests of the child = happy child.
If the interests of the wife coincide with the interests of the husband = happy husband.
But will it make sense? The dead end is what is next "happy husband" and "happy child". So what? Dead end. Their happiness is alive only as long as their interests are supported. One has only to stop and bam 💥 there is no happiness as if it never happened.
The main secret is that if the interests of anyone coincide with the interests of God, then everyone should be happy in the end, not just a husband, only a wife or only a child.
The problem is to tune in to the right wave and understand, but what does the Creator and Lord of everyone and everything expect from you? This is the only way to achieve harmony.
The price of this harmony is the rejection of one's own selfish interests. It even sounds painful. Because now everywhere they preach - "take care of yourself beloved / beloved first." Alas, the scheme is losing. Leads to complete degradation. Because history shows that everything successful in this world is achieved at the cost of austerity.
You need to learn to think differently. But this is possible only by His grace. The One Who created and maintains all this. First you need to want it.
Confused, but I write with fear of losing my thought. Who needs to understand.
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