I want you to know that I will not run after you and will not hold you against your will. If you want to leave me, then tell me about it right away. Better to warn me right away that you are not forever. Anything happens in this life. And this can happen, although I hope that it never happens, that you can overcome everything and never give up on me. But if it happens, then be honest and I will let you go. Without any hysterics and attempts to hold you back. I can accept your choice because I will love you with all my soul. You must understand this. Know that letting you go, but this desperate step will cost me colossal labors, I will not dissemble and say that I will let you go with a light heart. This is not true. But your personal happiness will be greater than mine for me. If you find your happiness in someone else, what else can I do for you? Just let go and wish you were happy. My heart will be filled with unspeakable, unbearable pain, but I will not show you even a sight, so as not to embarrass you and inadvertently cause you to feel guilty. I will not show you my tears and my inner pain. I do not want that if this happens and you want to leave, so that you see my broken state, When you leave, only then will I give vent to my feelings, but I will never hate you and curse the day when I met you. On the contrary, I will be grateful to Destiny for the fact that you were in my life and I will keep you in my heart, but I will not be able to accept you into my life again, no matter how much I love you. I want you to know that if you want to return, then I will not accept you back. Just because you have already exchanged for another one and I cannot forget it. I will never be a fallback for anyone. Remember. And I won't call you back. My soul will languish with longing for you, but what is dead is dead.
If you decide that you need me forever, then I will become for you that very reliable support and support that will never leave you alone. Believe me, if you need me, just as you will need me, then I will do everything to make you the happiest man on this Earth, not for a second allowing you to doubt yourself, your feelings for you and limitless devotion. I will give you my soul, my body. I will put all of myself in your hands. If you are with me, then from now on my life and my Fate are in your hands. But exactly until you deceive me and betray me. Then there will be no turning back. I am one of those who does not forgive betrayal. I can forgive a lot, but not that. Take care of my soul, or better not come at all ...
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