1. To help, if you are not asked ◈ You do not need running “to save the universe” if no one asked you to. Because it can have the bad results and question "Did I ask you help?"
2. Being someone else's vest ◈ Are you considered a kind, patient, kind-hearted person and often used as a vest? On the one hand, there is nothing wrong with that, people should support each other. But on the other hand, regularly "working with a vest", you waste your own strength and mental resources, bringing yourself closer to emotional burnout. It's normal to support someone, but don't let other to use you ONLY as "vest for crying"!
3. To lend money ◈ Probably, in the lives of many people there are friends who always borrow money to paycheck, or relatives who do not have enough "just a little" to buy a phone, refrigerator, car or simple spend luxury evening.. At first you do not refuse anyone, because it is not difficult for you to lend 200-500 UAH. However, then you notice that rare requests turn into a habit, and now they come to you ONLY for money, like to work. Again it's normal to help if it's really need, but sometimes even closely people can neglect you and put own desires ahead of yours!
4. Dating someone who is not ready for a serious relationship ◈ If your partner says that he is “not ready” for a serious relationship, he probably is not lying - he simply does not specify that he is not ready to start it with you. You've probably noticed that many people, after such a separation, quickly marry, although before that they said that they did not want to start a family and commit themselves to obligations. At the same time, the previous "frivolous" relationship could last for several years. ⠀
5. Sacrifice yourself ◈ Do you broke your plans every time and rush to help somebody? Ignoring your own plans to dine with your spouse's relatives? Giving up a career or hobbies because it's not part of your partner's plans? Do you agree to buy tickets for the movie that your loved one likes and not you? It's time to stop this vicious circle. Follow own desires too)
6. Provide services for free ◈ “You’re a therapist, consult”, “You have a car, give me a ride”, “You’re a designer, arrange business cards”. Sound familiar? Usually, when a person asks for such services, means that you must provide them free. Another thing when it comes to close people (although here it should be remembered that any work must be paid). ⠀
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