We often confront the judgments of other people who sometimes don't even know us .. Maybe you've heard sometime "Mmm, look what kind of car he has, I am sure on 100 percent he earned the money to buy it dishonestly" ... or "Oooh in what prestigious the place she works, she probably got there through the bed "Or" look how beautiful she is, she definitely has someone, I will not even try to know her"... In most cases, when people say this, they do not even know the people whom they say it about.. But maybe a man saved up for this car all his life, worked hard and denied himself some things to acquire a dream? And a girl who has a good job, studied all her life, sat over books, while her peers enjoyed partying .. And a woman who seems so beautiful and unattainable, in fact, come home and cry quietly into the pillow, because she is lonely .... So what I am all about when you see a person for the first time in your life or in a picture, do not judge by their appearance, things and what surrounds him, because the picture is not always true, try to recognize the person, understand his motives , values, desires, nature and perhaps you will be surprised that blondes can be smart, that it is not necessary to jump into someone's bed to get what you want and that beautiful ones can be lonely ..
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