Not so long ago, curvy forms were in fashion, then thin ones, now a woman should have everything in one body at once: a thin waist, a lush chest and a butt. And if earlier it was possible to simply get fat or lose weight, while meeting the standards, now girls turn to a plastic surgeon, T. K. Pokhudev, and their breasts are also losing weight. Our body is in some way plasticine, but not always, because fashion is more and more perverted. Women go under the knife to please the whims of men. But let's think about who, as a rule, humiliates us in life, gives unobtrusive hints to act and change? These are the people who themselves have low self-esteem. A man who loves himself will not consider his woman imperfect, will not comment on her figure as incomplete.
It seems to me that the most important thing for women is to love themselves for who you are, because fashion can change at any moment and who will then need your silicones and pumped lips? There should be such a person next to you who will consider you a goddess and admire you, and not humiliate and push you under the surgeon's knife. And yet a woman, for example, is not always guilty of not having a flat stomach. She is designed in such a way that she must give birth to a child, give him a new life and sacrifices her beauty and health for this. The abdomen is stretched, there are stretch marks like an old grandmother at 25 years old and almost nothing can be removed, no matter how much you play sports, only a surgeon will help. But I believe that women who sacrificed themselves for the birth of a new life, on the contrary, should be even more appreciated and respected. In old age, no one will need your chest and butt, your soul will be needed, and your children will certainly bring you a glass of water if you gave them warmth and care at one time. This is what is most important in life.
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