Whoever has love, even if he is an atheist, has cognized God. Let him not even fully realize that God is a person. If you do good to others, are affectionate and friendly with people, only then are you a true follower of Christ. For all other outward signs of godliness are nothing compared to love. And all other commandments and laws are contained in love. You don’t know God if you don’t know love. And how often do we meet people who think of themselves as believers, but in essence are angry at everyone and do not have love ... we must always remember the main thing and not give excessive importance to the secondary: fasts, holidays ... because all the laws that stood at all services in the temple, etc. , but who has forgotten about love, shouted at someone, for example, is much less pleasing to God than just a kind person. Or it happens that a person fasts, does not eat meat, but condemns everyone who does not fast, is angry and is not friendly ... what is the use and use of such a fast? It would be better if he did not fast at all and did not exalt himself above others, he would consider himself no better than others and thus would be kind to his neighbors. We must always remember what our faith is for. She must teach us about love. And if it led us to condemnation, pride, anger, then we turned the other way somewhere and did not notice it. We have been going to Satan for a long time, not to God. Even if they said a hundred prayers today and bowed down. Banging their heads on the floor ... all this means nothing without love.
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