There are no goodbyes for us
id: 10044903

My parents have always had long-distant relationships. Father worked abroad whole my childhood and I hardly remember when we had some weeks together as a family. But my mother loved him and even right now they are together and live as a family. When I was a teenager, I thought how it is possible to love person livening far away from him for a long period of time. When you’re far apart from the person you love but still trying to grow closer in your relationship, it can get rough. But because of the challenges of being apart, people in long distance relationships put in a lot of effort to have strong communication and get creative with how they keep their bond strong over distance. But, now for sure If I find a man I fall in love, I will wait for every meeting for every date and every video chat with him. I changed my mind and distance doesn’t scare me anymore.

And what about you? What do you think about it? It will be interesting to know your personal opinion about long-distant relationships. Have you ever had such kind of relationship?
