Books are a storehouse of thoughts for all mankind.
All the realities of the world have been transferred by the thoughts of the authors into their works.
After reading the book, everyone has his own movie in his head, his own vision of one or another famously twisted plot.
After all, when a film is shot by a director, whether he is a well-known, venerable person, or even a beginner unknown to anyone, then their own images appear in their heads, so to speak, each has its own individual neural connections.
And the ordinary reader, having read the book, composes the episodes of the film himself, scrolling the information received in his head. The storyline is built in its own way and is carried through the mind as a kaleidoscope of thoughts, feelings and experiences.
This is why the world will never stop reading books.
Maybe, over time, they will all move to electronic media and paper versions of books will disappear everywhere.
The mankind of the planet will begin to protect forests, protect the lungs of the planet, taking care of future generations.
And maybe someday I will also get used to reading the book in electronic version. In the meantime, I really like sitting comfortably on the sofa or on a chair, near the window, with a mug of fragrant tea and crispy biscuits, to immerse myself in the world of another literary creation.
Read, be sure to read it yourself and advise others.
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