signs that the girl likes you
Let's look at a few sure signs that will help you understand whether she feels the same way about you as you do about her.
Pay attention to how it stands
If a girl is standing or sitting so that her body is turned towards you, it may mean that she likes you. If she turns in the seat or tilts her head to your side, this is also a great sign. Pay attention to her legs. You're lucky if her socks are turned towards you, she likes you. But if on the contrary, the closed posture, such as crossed hands on a breast or put one ankle on the other, it is a barrier that shows that you are uninteresting to her. But it also happens if a girl is simply too modest to show her feelings and tries to hide them behind this wall.
Eye contact
Eyes of any person can reveal many secrets. Most likely, the girl you like will look at you, but as soon as you look back, she will immediately look away. Moreover, a young lady may shoot her eyes in your direction or you will suddenly look at her and catch a glance at yourself, these are also signs of attraction. But here it is worth taking into account the situation. If you talk to a girl and she doesn't break eye contact, you don't need to reassure yourself ahead of time, this may be her style of communication with everyone.
Does the girl try to touch you accidentally? One of the most effective ways to flirt is to lightly touch the object of interest. If a girl touches you as she passes by, touches your hand when you're joking, or puts her hand on your shoulder, it's almost a one-hundred-percent sign that she likes you. Sometimes such touches can be disguised as friendly ones, such as a light push on the shoulder. Don't get upset or angry, maybe she just doesn't want to be too outspoken in front of others. Even if you do not notice attempts to be closer to you, it does not mean that the girl is not interested in you. Some representatives of the fairer sex do not like touching. They can make them too nervous or embarrassed. Well, the main thing is to take into account the context of the situation. If a girl touches your hand during a private conversation, it is most likely flirting, but if she touches your shoulder to attract attention and say that you dropped a pencil, it is an attempt to help and nothing more.
Repeat movements
If a girl repeats your movements or even imitates you, this is a sure sign that she likes you. This phenomenon is called a report. The report can be either subconscious or intentional, when a person copies your gestures intentionally.
The conversation can become tense because you will probably notice that this reflection is not sincere. But if a girl imitates you unconsciously, she likes you, so the next time she runs her fingers through her hair a couple of seconds after you did the same, congratulate yourself, she likes you no less than you do. Act.
A girl plays with her hair
Women's hair is one of those things that fascinates men, so when a girl draws your attention to her hair, she is most likely flirting with you. By the way, to curl a curl, play with your hair, remove it from your face or run your fingers through it, a representative of the fair sex can subconsciously show you their attraction to you.
When a girl likes you, she smiles a lot around you. A smile means that she is happy to see you. Moreover, a smile can also mean flirting. The girl who likes you will also laugh at all your jokes, no matter how funny or unfunny they are.
If you constantly hear from a girl - what an amazing smile you have, what an unusual eye color you have, or how strong you look, you play sports, etc.Be sure that in this case the girl is crazy about you. Compliments are a way of saying that she likes you.
Friends ' reaction
Take a closer look at her friends. Girls often share their secrets and friends may know what you don't know. If her friends giggle or smile at you, it may mean that your lover has told them about her feelings for you. If they suddenly stop talking when you approach them, it's likely that you were the main subject of the conversation. And if you're lucky, one of them might just walk up to you and tell you that her friend likes you.
Does she try to maintain communication
A girl may be shy to tell you about her feelings, but she will definitely come up with an excuse to chat with you. If you are good at computers, she may ask you to help with a laptop, if you are studying together, she may ask you for help with some subject. She can add you as a friend on social networks or send you funny pictures from time to time.
Of course, this may mean that she really needs help with the task, but if such situations are repeated, the girl praises you, and you notice other signs of flirting, you can be sure that she likes you.
Pay attention to her style
if a girl likes you, she will most likely try to impress you with her appearance. Perhaps her clothes will look more spectacular than usual on a normal day, or she will put on a brighter lipstick.
Not every girl likes beautiful dresses, but if you notice the difference between what she usually wears and what she puts on when she meets you, don't doubt that she likes you.
It creates situations in which your help is needed
When a girl likes you but doesn't know if you like her, she can artificially create situations in which she will need your help. So she will be in a vulnerable position and you will have the opportunity to play the role of a knight on a white horse. For example, she may go out on a cold evening without a jacket and repeat that she is cold, checking whether you will give her your sweater. Don't miss the chance to show how caring you are. Also, a girl can pretend to be a complete layman in something, such as algebra. She will say that she does not understand anything about the topic, be careful, if you like her, this is your chance to offer her help and spend time with her. In addition, this way she will surely check your reaction to her call for help. So don't fail the check.
She wants to know if you're in a relationship
A girl who likes you may try to find out if you have someone. But it will not do this explicitly, without asking direct questions. They are very creative. For example, she might ask if you've been to a new cafe with your girlfriend. If you don't have anyone and you like this girl, don't miss the opportunity to spend time with her. Answer that you don't have a girlfriend and invite her to this cafe.
Pay attention to how she behaves with other people
I'll investigate this to see if she's flirting with you or not. If you think that she is definitely flirting and you are sure that she likes you, do not rush to conclusions. The fact is that some girls enjoy the very process of flirting. Moreover, flirting can be inherent in the very nature of the fairer sex and she may not even be aware of it. That's why it's worth watching how a girl behaves with others. Only when you are sure that it is to you that it is particularly located, you can act.
Make your own steps
The girl may be too embarrassed to show you her feelings and then you will have to wait for a signal from her forever, so it's a good idea to take your own measures. For example, you can smile at her. This way you'll show that you're happy to see her. If she smiles back, she also feels good in your presence, and even if she doesn't like you yet, she will associate you with positive emotions, and who knows, one day she may respond to your feelings.
Tell her that you like her
If you've been watching a girl for a long time and are more or less sure that she likes you, tell her how you feel. This is a bold move, but it will quickly set the record straight.
Keep in mind that if you tell a girl that you like her or ask her out and she says no, don't worry. Sometimes we misunderstand the signs. Don't be ashamed of your actions, take the situation for granted and move on. Don't be mean and mean. It's better to be friends than to be completely friendless. And who knows, maybe your new girlfriend can introduce you to someone who will like you too.
All good and positive news, but please note that these are only women's secrets) and they are not always suitable for any girl!
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