Even more, I do not understand the stupid French who wrote the proverb that the older a woman is, the shorter the hair.
Drawing conclusions from the words of my entourage and the French, I should already be bald, since I am already all 31 years old.
Let's start with age. Today this figure is the same, tomorrow it will be different. The personality remains practically the same, it asks for its expression in appearance, something like a corporate identity. Unless, of course, the bearer of the Personality has changed his way of life so radically that he has to break his Personality in some way and change his appearance to please the circumstances.
The next moment. I don’t know how anyone, but personally I think that short hair is very, very unprofitable.
Firstly, the shorter they are, the faster they get dirty and the more you can see that they are dirty. Naturally, it is necessary to wash them frequently. And this is the cost of shampoo. Secondly, you cannot lie down with them even when they are dry - not only will they be very loose, they will also crumple at such an angle that you will have to wet your entire head in order to somehow apply them. The third is the limited options for styling and hairstyles. Fourth, the need to visit a hairdresser often to trim to the same length, because if not a haircut, they still grow. And this again is a waste of money and time. Fifth, many girls have such an appearance in which a short haircut is contraindicated. Sixth - the need to do styling every day, in the morning, sacrificing sleep. Although, to be honest, I don't understand what to put there.
Of all the advantages of short hair, you can only name the speed of washing, drying, and perhaps the convenience in the summer - not hot. In winter, it's also convenient - everything quickly hides under the hat.
I am strong enough and relatively healthy that I can take care of my hair myself.
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