Today, having received the experience of adult relationships, we can safely say that children's feelings are the purest and most sincere. They are not covered with a shell of convictions, there is no layer of resentment and past disappointments in them. There is no calculation in these relationships and there is love in them. Looking at the guys and their attitude towards girls and relationships in particular, I come to the conclusion that many are looking for a comfortable relationship - they say, she takes care of me like a mother, she does not make claims - it means that there is a relationship and love between us. Only if you look at it, then there is no love there. Mutual convenience.
Or a macho man. "I love all women", literally translated "I love to have sex with them." Such people generally deny the concept of love. Most likely behind this is a deep disappointment or pain brought by love. But for those girls who strike up a relationship with a similar type, this does not make it any easier.
Vyshenapisnom I do not want to say that there are no men capable of love. Of course I have. And there are wonderful couples in which true love and understanding reigns. I want to say that a modern person has too many protective feelings that prevent sincere and true love from coming out.
But it is she who allows you to create strong relationships and happy families. Once burned, a person is already afraid to love again. And this is a big problem in modern society.
Why did I start writing about children's love ... Because children are immediacy itself. Children live here and now. The kid is now crying from the fact that he broke his knee, after 5 minutes he is already smiling and playing, he has already forgotten about his knee. What an adult does - he often cries over little things, he inflates his pain to a large size and considers himself so unhappy. In fact, love is freedom, it is the ability to give freedom of choice to another. That other will already choose whether he is good with you or not, whether he wants to be with you or not. And if not, then this is his right, and if we really love and care about the person, we will let him go. Quite sincerely, without blaming anything. As they say: "If this is really yours, then it will definitely come back to you." And there is.
What can we say about children's love, a child likes one girl, a month later another girl and all this is sincere and real. There are girls with whom a long and strong friendship is struck. Likewise, adults have people with whom you are truly friends and love with a truly open heart.
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