Do you think it is important what the person sitting on the right in the bus seat will think of you? Or a neighbor? Maybe your grandmother?
Every day we are under the gun of hundreds of eyes, where everyone is trying to find the worst in us and put it on public display. People often focus on our defeats in order to make them the subject of discussion. And often we are led by society. We are afraid to do what we like, we are afraid to say what we think, we are afraid to express ourselves in the form in which we want. After all, we are surrounded by people who constantly tell you that everything you do is not right.
Most people have similar thoughts. We are dependent on the opinion of society, this is an axiom. On the one hand, a person lives in society all his life, and must be able to empathize with others in peace and harmony. But on the other hand, this should not put us in a frame, prevent us from realizing ourselves.
There is only a small list of people who really care about us. These are our close ones: parents, grandmothers, brothers, sisters, and most importantly - friends and loved ones. Why friends and loved ones? Because we are looking for them ourselves, we select them according to our character and our preferences. They are a reflection of our desires (it is worth emphasizing that I am talking about the right relationship, where mutual support and respect reigns).
Don't attach too much importance to the opinions of others. Live for yourself and your loved ones. Do what you like and what you really value. Let the others adjust if they like.
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