let's try to discuss!
"The main thing is to get married successfully", “I know better!”, “We need to find a normal job!”, "Why do you need this music / drawing, learn math!", "Oh, don't worry, is this a problem? There will still be so much more! Go see the cartoon!", “I gave birth to you so that you would ruffle my nerves?”, “You are no longer small, think with your head!”, “You are still small, it's too early to think about it!”, “Don't do it, otherwise you will spoil it, I'll come and do it together! "," But look, what a fine fellow Masha! "," I do everything for you, and you ...! "," Don't be so trusting, otherwise ... ", “Don't bother, don't yell, don't go, sit down, eat, don't cry, don't run, you have to, do it faster ....... and hundreds more words that break the personality of children when parents said it!
Anything higher is not about children.
And not about "what's best", but about "I want!"
All of the above is a "movie about parents"!
About their complexes, fears, lack of fulfillment, selfishness!
This is not about wisdom, not about experience and acceptance!
Children are small people.
They have the right on own choice, own opinion, own desires and at OWN happy life.
Now many will roll their eyes up, they say "you understand a lot" ... and It's right! A Little! Alas(!
If I understand a lot - I would not make mistakes.
Like everyone.
But you know, with such a huge amount of high-quality information and literature about "parents and children", it is at least strange to educate them on the outdated norms of the post-Soviet space.
Our parents are great fellows and did everything they could ...
They just might not have much.
And not so high quality.
And not with the same awareness as modern parents! But I am grateful to my parents, they are wonderful and made all possible for me!
Read, study together, try to understand and love children!
To love not yourself in them, but to love them so that they feel your support!
This is the simplest minimum I would recommend.
And there, see for yourself)!
Before you have time to look back, they will grow up and ... leave!
If, of course, you are smart enough to let them go.
But you can become their friend. The very best.
And then you will never be alone!
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