My family loves simple and tasty food, and one of our favorites is dumplings with cottage cheese. And a simple dish - and how much you need to put your soul and warmth!
To feed the family deliciously I get up early with the sun, knead the dough, and it is soft, yellow - it glows directly from the added eggs and premium flour. Then I take the curd bought the day before and knead it thoroughly with a spoon, add the egg, sugar and salt, taste it, and it is soft, tasty, tender and very healthy, and start rolling out the dough. Hands are busy and my head is full of thoughts. At such moments, more than once interesting ideas were born to me.
And the matter is moving forward, soon I admire the work - slender rows of dumplings lie on the cutting boards. I put them in a large saucepan with salted boiling water, stir with a slotted spoon. In the meantime, the dumplings are boiling, I quickly clean everything up and set the table
I put on bowls full of hot dumplings, generously add butter to them, take sour cream out of the fridge, brew fresh strong tea and invite them to the table. Bon appetit my dears!
So what is the tastiest food? Of course, the one that keeps the warmth of your hands and is prepared with love!
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