I want to get on a heavy, tired electric train and rush to Vyborg, to this small paradise on earth, where there are narrow streets and houses with human eyes, where the castle reaches the sky; I want to run up the creaky steps of its tower, forgetting that I am human, and cannot take off, and freeze on the observation deck, catching the coolness of the bay with your face scorched by the sun, and wandering around the dots of houses below, a map spread out in front of me!
If you suddenly find yourself in your native wooden church with a candle in your hand, in front of the icon of the Savior, and feel the grace spreading inside you in your soul; and see the light falling on you through the windows of the temple; and hear the talk of doves; and smell the cherry! ...
I want to get into the spring park, when all its juices are just awakening, when streams flow, curl, falling into nowhere, when the birds sing over you the happy song of the coming spring, as if an invisible chorus composes an endless oratorio ...
Ah, if I could now find myself in your arms, look into your eyes, press my heart to your heart, smile with my lips to your lips, whisper something and fall on your chest, silent, beloved ...
If I knew ... Ah, it's better not to know what's ahead, but just feel, believe, love, hope, just wait - it doesn't matter what, who, why, just live without looking at the past and those shadows that remained behind back ...
Nearby - only music and dreams. But whatever is waiting around the corner, how you want it to be - happiness ...
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