Love is an amazing feeling, but it is not only a feeling, it is a state of the whole being. Love begins at the moment when I see a person in front of me and see his depths, when suddenly I see his essence.
Of course, when I say: "I see," I do not want to say "I comprehend with my mind" or "I see with my eyes," but - I comprehend with all my being. If a comparison can be made, then I also comprehend beauty, for example, the beauty of music, the beauty of nature, the beauty of a work of art, when I stand before him in amazement, in silence, only perceiving what is in front of me, not being able to express it in any way. in a word, except by exclamation: “My God! How wonderful it is! .. "
The mystery of love for a person begins at the moment when we look at him without the desire to possess him, without the desire to dominate him, without the desire in any way to use his gifts or his personality - we just look and are amazed at the beauty that we opened.
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