No one owes nothing to nobody
id: 10041754

Where did this awful expression "Nobody owes anyone anything" came from?

This expression is inherently deceitful, because man is a social being.

By entering into relationships of any kind, you become a must. Because he gave hope, promised, sealed it with a seal and words. Because there is a conscience. You let a person into your life, you allowed him to come into your life and you entered into him - by this you made a commitment. Obligations to a person and to oneself. From some point on, you care what happens to the person - you are in a bundle.

Imagine yourself as a climber, and how you shout to your partner, in conjunction with you: "Hey, friend, I'm tired, I'm unhooking you - I don't owe you anything." Must. We owe our children, because they did not ask us to give birth. We owe our parents, because we didn't ask them, but we live and enjoy life. We owe friends because we changed them in many ways.

We owe those to whom we were told LOVE and we owe even when we didn’t say, but entered into a relationship.

"We are responsible for those we have tamed." When no one owes anyone, life is easier. Duty and responsibility require both mental work.
