A man is annoyed when, in a woman's words, he does not understand the essence of the request, what she wants from him, does not hear instructions. He may disagree with what the woman wants from him, but it is important for him to understand what the woman is addressing him. continuation
How to be here? Usually a simple wording helps out: "You sit down, I'll just tell you. You don't need to do anything, just listen and nod. I want to share with you." Everything, after that he is ready to listen to you.
A man needs certainty when a woman answers his questions. If a man began to talk about difficulties and problems, he does not need a woman's emotional "yes, I understand you very much." He needs options to think about how this situation can be resolved. But, so that he does not have the feeling that he cannot solve the question on his own, one should ask: "Are you interested in my opinion?" - and then look at the non-verbal. When a man asks for advice, advice can and should be given to him, only without emotional pressure: you think, he makes a decision.
The female formulation: “Listen, first of all, you’ll come up with all this yourself, better than me, well, it seems to me, maybe it’s worth doing this, but think about it yourself, you’re better at understanding it”. This, in fact, she gave him clear instructions, and in the form she said that you, of course, are the smartest, who argues against this.
If a man asked him to help, it means that he needs it, and it is better to do it: then and as he asked. If the man does not ask for help, the man does not need help. No need, women! A man hardly accepts help in general, and from a woman in particular. For a man, unsolicited help from a woman is an indicator of his failure: “You didn’t do it yourself!”, But it’s important for him in everything: “I myself!”.
If your man is carrying a suitcase on wheels, you do not need to tell him where it is more convenient and easier for him to go around the stairs: men perceive this not as help, but as petty care and distrust of him. It's easier for him to cope with everything himself.
The husband and wife are going to visit, the husband is driving, and it seems that they are lost. The husband is nervous, trying to figure out the map, time goes on ... Wife gets tired of this situation and she says: "Let me go out and ask the passers-by?" Here a man can explode, and his wife will be offended in the best feelings. With her care, she wanted to tell him: “You are close to me, you are dear to me, and I don’t want you to get upset!”, And her husband perceives this as distrust of his abilities, as accusing him of being stupid: “Where are you taking me at all, you can't be with you at all, you can't take me to the guests! "
How to behave properly? Women, relax and trust your husband. Be quiet, do not give advice that is not asked. It is normal to touch his hand and say softly: "Don't worry, we will make it in time, nothing terrible." And in a few minutes, when he hears it and digests it, you can ask: "Can I help you somehow? Maybe I will ask passers-by?" Emphasize that the man will cope with everything on his own, and without your help. Then he will allow and accept your help.
A young man sends a resume and asks his girlfriend: "Tell me, please, are such accompanying comments normal?", A friend looked and formulated: "Yes, of course, everything is fine there, but it seems to me that it might be worth adding something." Such advice was received with gratitude.
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