If a woman fully accepts a man, he will be able to love her to the point of giving.
In such a woman, a man does not find opposition, but help and presence, gains life. The spouse can give himself without reserve, if only the wife will obey him.
To give yourself, to give your own life - how much you need to love for this! Love, like your own body, like yourself, nourish, take care ...
It would be very strange, having said so much about the obedience of a woman, to keep silent about the husband's duty to love his wife. It is sometimes difficult for a man to understand this insatiable thirst for new proofs of love, endless demands to hear again and again:
" I love you". After all, this has already been said many times "
But the Lord asks the man - Peter about the same thing: "... do you love Me with true love?" And Simon Peter answers Him three times: "So Lord! I love You with a friendly love." (John 21 15-17)
So the woman unconsciously repeats the same question, as if feeling a lack of love from a man, striving to raise him to a higher level of unity with her.
Spouses cannot comfort themselves with the happiness they have already achieved. There is no frozen love. Its flame must be maintained constantly, relentlessly multiplying love so that
it grew more and more.
Wife expects love from her husband
The husband expects perfection from the wife.
Every man longs to meet a perfect woman in order to find peace and tranquility in her. A man longs for the woman that God created for him. The lover is not content with a semblance of love, when each remains with his own egoism and mediocrity.
Love must transform, otherwise it is not love. Marriage is a union of two people for a joint path in love to holiness, and not at all for life according to the principle "you - me, I - you".
A man must love, but a woman must open up to this love. It happens that, expecting something else from a man and not receiving it, he becomes disappointed in him and closes himself off from him.
This leads the man into complete confusion, makes him unhappy.
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