The lonely heart
id: 3523559

Every email I get from a lady seems to be all about one topic.
LOVE and are you HAPPY.
I am so sick to death of these questions.
I will not even talk of Happiness because I cannot understand this obsession with this.
Are you happy?
Are you happy?
OH! by the way ARE YOU HAPPY?

Love on the other hand I could express my own opinion and beliefs.
LOVE resides in your HEART. It is where CARING, COMPASSION, your inner CHILD reside.
Open your heart and listen to it.

Do you all belief a MAN in your life will make you happy?
Yet the wrong MAN has all saddened, jaded and broken your hearts.
Even your ideas of what a MAN "should be" is misguided.
Some MEN are a island of their own. Don't bother changing such a MAN.

HURTS know all about those. Hurtful words and criticism.

Sticks and stones may break my bones
But names will never hurt me

Have you heard this rhyme before?
People judge things that they don't understand!

Well, this is all I have to say.
Take care and stay safe!!

