Attire and cosmetics, what else can complement female beauty? Of course, a beautiful woman is a diamond, but it is advisable to view all its facets without a rim. I will say in the words of the poet: "the beauty of a woman is a heavenly ether, which you inhale until your head is spinning." Someone said: "beauty is power, terrible power!" But she is powerless in front of something. But let's not look at the flip side of the coin. After all, you, apparently, noticed that blooming women attract more drones than bees, and this is their weakness.
It happens that life generously rewards a woman with talents, saving on appearance. But in this case, it should sound like this: "The ugly is the one who allows herself to look like that." Although female beauty does not like to appear in the morning, the lady is obliged to call her to her. It's a lie that teetotalers have invented ugly women. There are no people who are so ugly and unsightly as to be bitterly regretted in bed. But this is not all, take away modesty from a woman, and her beauty will become vulgar.
Beauty is not happiness, but only an application for it. After all, the beautiful enjoy universal attention, and only the happy with its fruits.
Confucius was not married, but he valued beauty: "I have not seen people love goodness as much as beauty."
When the Lord grants a person such wealth as beauty, he will ask later what it was spent on, on human suffering or the happiness of the only one. And if you cannot make a person happy, you will not be able to “catch” happiness from him.
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