I am going to share with you some recommendations that will allow you to lead a spiritual life. There are many more, but I will share with you the ones that have worked best for me:
1. Constant gratitude: daily thank you for your life, for waking up, for breathing, for the food you eat, for the people around you, for the situations they are going through, whether they are pleasant or not at this moment.
2. Love yourself and others: love yourself, work on empathy towards others, develop compassion and the ability to serve other beings .
3. Connect with nature: leave your usual space and go to a park, a lake, a forest, anywhere where you can breathe fresh air.
4. Let yourself be surprised: stop your daily routine and embrace the world around you. Contemplate the birds, the flowers, the streets you walk through. Reprogram yourself to activate your capacity to surprise yourself as a child does. There are many things that may have gone unnoticed, but that could surprise you if you become aware of them.
5. Forgive and free yourself from bondage: heal your heart, do not cling to situations that cause you suffering. The act of forgiveness is internal, it is not necessary to tell the one who hurt you. When you decide to forgive, you change, you manage to heal and see situations from another perspective.
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