The Bible, the Word of God - can completely change a person's life, make him wise. But in order to understand it, you need to ponder what you read, apply it to yourself and of course pray, ask God to discover the meaning of the ancient texts.
The word of God is like bread. For bread to be beneficial, it must be chewed, swallowed and digested, then it will become a part of you, nutrients will enter the bloodstream and give strength. Therefore, you need to read the Bible with a desire to know the will of God, you need to have thirst, hunger, to understand that a person needs this like a beggar in a piece of bread. You need to have confidence in what you read, then there will be a result.
Every person wants to receive something from God, and for this you need to listen to Him and obey, have open ears and a responsive heart. A frivolous and selfish approach to reading the Bible will not bring any benefit, but only disappointment or irrepressible pride ... Alas, it happens.
On the pages of the Internet, you often meet people who are struck by pride - after reading ancient wisdom, they imagined themselves to be no one. Despite the fact that they hate everyone who thinks differently from them, they consider themselves to be some kind of God's chosen people. Is it so? The Chosen One of God loves people, and does not offend them. The Chosen One of God values the whole Bible, loves the church as the family of the Lord and helps his neighbor.
The Chosen One of God is humble and honest, he is a humble person. Alas, I see people who trump with aphorisms from the Holy Scriptures, but do not love the Lord and do not know Him. It's sad to look at this. And I want to help them, but they are so proud and arrogant, so self-confident and "wise" in their eyes that they hear nothing but their own voice teaching others ... God forgive them.
Amazing. One and the same book can be beneficial and vice versa. Therefore, it is dangerous to read the Bible without repenting, without turning away from all your sins, without bowing down before the Cross of the Lord. You cannot love sin and God at the same time.
I think that the reason for such deviations is that the "paths are not straightened" for the Lord. John the Baptist called for repentance. We have yet to understand the full depth of this word. Greek "metanoyen" means an absolute change in a person's thinking.
You cannot pour new wine into old wineskins - it will tear. And the wineskins will be lost, and the wine will run out - so the Lord taught. Those who have read understand what this is about ...
Love your neighbor.
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